Mathieu's BMW 330CI

Owner: Mathieu
Status: Main
Build: 2001
Engine: 2979 cc Petrol
Power: 170 kW / 231 PK
0-100 km/h: 7.0sec
Import: Yes
Mathieu's first car is an interesting but quite reliable story. He bought this car somewhere in late November 2021 and has driven it since. We even took it to Germany when my deRanged rover broke down before the trip. There is not much more I can tell about it; maybe Mathieu wants to write about it himself. It's been some time since I made an article about one of our cars and a lot has changed in the meantime.
Mathieu mentioned he wanted to write about his car some time ago, so if he is still interested he can write about it within/or in a new post ;).

Yep, he bought it from "De Groot Auto", a garage with a little more reputation than jet cars.

He didn't have many issues, that is for a car that came from "De Groot Auto". But there were some noticeable issues. The previous owner put a lowering kit on the car, and in the Netherlands, that is a huge inconvenience. We have more speedbumps per square meter than anywhere else in the world. Hearing the frame land on the speedbump makes us cringe every time... However this is a modification, not an issue.
Mathieu has a modified exhaust system, with what we call a "civic-type bypass valve". This exhaust leaks gasses and doesn't sound too great when revving stationary. This, however (again) is a modification, not an issue.
Now to the real issues.
Cosmetics & Oopsie:
The BMW had some paint flaking off due to rock chips. And he also scraped the neighbor's car while parking, shit happens. I told him we can fix it with a paint-fix-up kit, The damage was too small for a respray. So we got to work and it turned out quite good!

Electric Window:
Mathieu sent me a message saying that the driverside electric windows stopped working. I immediately thought that the regulator died since it was a common problem, so after completely disassembling the door I had a clear moment and wanted to check if the switch was working correctly. After googling a schematic I got to start with a paperclip and the window went up again. Turned out it was the switch that failed... well at least we had a nice BBQ afterward.

Mathieu had to perform some repairs before he could get his BMW through the APK. All performed by the garage.
- Rear shock absorbers
- Bypass valve replaced by normal pipe (exhaust)
and I can't remember the rest
EDIT: Well as usual something broke just after posting this article about the 330ci...
So what happened? One of the belts broke. Luckily this car has a timing chain so the belt was for the accessories, but still. No power steering, no water pump, and no dynamo meant no driving...

So dirk and I drove to Mathieu to check it out

And the ANWB pulled him to a nearby garage
Modifications & fun:
I don't remember Mathieu making any modifications to the 330CI, but if he did/does I will add them as soon as possible!
and for all the fun we had just check out the Instagram page ;)
You can find more videos about Mathieu's BMW on our Instagram page here.
Why did I buy a BMW 33CI?
So I asked Mathieu, Why did I buy a BMW 330CI;
"it looked cool" "👍"
All media

More pictures will be added soon.
Video's the 330ci starred in:
none, yet...
Make sure to come back and read more about our cars! Documenting it is a hobby of mine, so no ads will interfere with your reading. This page will be updated as time goes along.

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-seppdroid 27/11/2022